Friday, October 3, 2014

On My Way To A New Me!~

Hi everyone !  WOW...has it been a LONG time since I've blogged about health, fitness, running or weight loss.  Speaking of weight loss...I had my baby girl, Naomi, around 5 weeks ago. Annnddd...I'm on a mission of losing that "Naomi weight" as of this past week.  I tried and ran/worked out a few weeks ago but my body just wasn't ready...well actually my pelvis wasn't but we won't get into that much detail:) "Naomi weight" gained was around 50 pounds...ugh!  Just to see that amount makes me cringe considering I spend much of 2013 losing around 40 pounds through changes in my diet, working out (lifting) and of course doing a considerable amount of running that turned into a half marathon in October of 2013.

I am updating this A. Hold myself accountable in working out/running/losing baby weight and B. It will be a good thing to keep me focused and in tune with the goals I want to achieve.  So if ya'll are not interested in getting fit and losing baby weight you can X out now :)  This is seriously for me to focus everything I 've got into the reality of myself getting healthy. 

Well this past Wednesday was my first day of really I'd call it working out...and let me tell ya it was HARD!  How do I go from a 1/2 marathon in 2013 to now when I'm struggling to do one pushup.  I will get there tho...with a good attitude and just propelling myself forward each day.  I started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution Phase 1 and I'm loving it!  It consists of five workouts over three months time, then it goes into further phases later on.  It is a lot of HIIT/weights/cardio...which is a wonderful way to burn calories while building muscle.
Naomi naps while I try and workout with Jillian...but today was a little tough (mentally) on me since she decided to be awake during my workout. I literally had to push pause probably around 10 times since she loves her binky so much :)  I can see why people make every excuse under the sun NOT to workout...and today would have been one of them if I wasn't wanting to get back into my pre-pregnancy jeans so badly!

Well, I'll update y'all here and there while on this probably LONG journey of mine... with some pics, recipes that I love (healthy of course), and overall weight loss progress.  P.S if you are motivated so badly to get healthy take a picture of yourself in front of a full length mirror in a bikini/swimsuit and if you don't like what you I did : (   change it!  Start moving your body...slowly, making small changes each week...lets push ourselves to getting into that pair of jeans that we love!~ 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

14 Weeks

Well, I have made it to the second trimester into my pregnancy.  I have an official due date of September 2nd now, since I measured way ahead at my 10 week ultrasound...(hoping it isn't another Jake or Beau..weighing in at almost 10 pounds:)  I had such a terrible time finding an OB doc the first few weeks into my pregnancy....I really wanted to deliver locally since it would just be easier on our family.  I went to Blue Earth...not one of their five docs would take me on as a patient.  They were all pretty freaked out!!  I guess I was classified as high-risk due to my age (who would have thought 35 was OLD?  haha)  Multiple pregnancies, and because I develop pre-eclampsia towards the end of my pregnancies.  So, I was referred up to Minneapolis to a Perinatologist.  Instantly, I thought to myself....."In no shape or form is this traveling over two hours for prenatal checkups going to work for our family?"  So, I prayed....asked God to show me a doctor that would be more locally that would take me on as a patient.  I was led to a doc in Fairmont, which is only 30 min from our house...way better than the cities.  He is a Nigerian doctor who is kind, compassionate, funny and really knew his stuff.  I am seeing him every 2 weeks so he can keep tabs on how the little peanut is growing.  I have been through 2 ultrasounds, and about 13 vials of blood in the past two weeks...checking routine labs, and getting a head start on some of the kidney function tests so we can get a baseline before possibly the pre-eclampsia setting in. I think baby Waddell and I are in great hands, thank the Lord.

I have fought through some pretty severe "night" sickness as what I would call it.  For an entire 7 weeks I SERIOUSLY did nothing but eat...and lay on the couch.  I was literally miserable.  Not being able to run, workout...or even walk with all the ice/wind/and snowstorms we've had in the past two months.  That being said, just being inactive for almost two months has left me sort of depressed (could I blame it on this weather?)  lethargic (yes, I know I should be tired...but NOT this bad)...craving junk food...all the healthy stuff I used to eat would seriously make me gag.....muscle-less (I feel as if I've lost a lot of strength that I had built up all last year training for my 1/ well as day to day strength training.  That 7 wks of inactivity has left me with a head start of 15 pound weight-gain just in my first trimester.  Normal is about 3-5...(what's normal anyways?)    To work so hard most of all last year....if ya read any of my blog ya know I was passionate about fitness/running/and eating healthy. So to be in an area of where I first began my weight loss journey last year at this time has been a struggle for me. So, JUST the past few days I've felt 'good' enough to finally fit in some low-key Jillian Michaels. I was struggling through my first workout terribly!   Just in a few days I feel fantastic...self-esteem wise. Energy has increased significantly.  Even tho, there are some days I feel as if I'm forcing myself to put one step in front of the other...... after a workout , I seriously FEEL in control of my emotions and my body.....(if that is possible, with all the pregnancy hormones...circulating) Warm weather is coming ( I hope) which I will be able to get outside and move more.  All is good...positive thinking eh?

Finding out about my pregnancy the day after Christmas was joy...but a scary feeling.  Scary I am referring to what we went through with Neela, our youngest.....that has left a dark fear over my entire thinking throughout this entire pregnancy so far.  I was offered a few of the routine labs that detect birth defects last week....which I declined.  Some of the labs are such a high false-positive that it wouldn't even be worth my nerves.  And......what would I change? what would be different?  Bart and I are gonna love this baby NO matter what genetic abnormalities it may or may not have.   We are trusting God, whatever HIS be it.  The kids are getting pretty excited....especially Tate as he was patting my belly last night as I was watching TV next to him.:)  I'm hoping Neela can tolerate somebody being younger than her.....since she has stolen all our hearts and has been completely spoiled for the past four years.  Otherwise, kids have been going through the school grind, patiently waiting for a change in the weather.  Bart has been working non-stop for the past few months working seven days a week.  I miss him dearly, and that may play a part in my winter-blues mood, but I am grateful for everything God has blessed us with.  Well, hoping to keep you all updated throughout my pregnancy.......have a blessed week!  

Thanks so much for your love and support dear friends and family!    -Monica

Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm Baacck! After 6 months of silence...

Well, HELLO everyone!  Its been a loooong time since I wrote any post/update or anything.  I was looking at my blog and realized it was 6 months ago TODAY!  Well, a lot of things have happened in that time.  I lost a bit more weight/gained a ton of muscle/worked up to running an entire half marathon/oh and since that time I've fallen off the wagon BIG TIME!  Ever since I ran that half I've kind of forgotten how to eat 'right'.  I've forgotten how mentally strong you have to be to be to stay healthy!  I've forgotten that it takes two steps forward and a one a step back.  I've forgotten that I truly want to be healthy forever.  So, I was saying ever since my half marathon on October 20 I've eaten everything that I never used to.  Cookies, chex mix (sucks its the holidays coming), French fries ( I seriously did give these up for five whole months) Diet Pop (yes I'm back at this, but this is why I'm writing...I've got to get things strait in my head mentally in order to be successful again and hopefully this time it will stick. 

I believe there have been several factors in which I kind of fell off the health wagon...In September I started a job working with residents that struggle with memory and Alzheimer's.  It has rewarded me so many times working with these amazing people.  I've never worked at a job where I went home and was so proud of myself for making someone smile for probably the first time that day.  I've also started a business in Premier Jewelry the past few weeks, due to the help/support of some pretty incredible people in my life.  Praying for God's guidance as I venture off into this new opportunity for myself and my family.  Anyways, back to health/fitness...I feel like I've been back to this, "Crap, I ate junky all day today, WELL I just start tomorrow"........I seriously cannot deal with this again.  This was so DeJaVu when I first started losing weight back in February. 

I'm not going to be one of these people that say..."Shoot, I'll start New Years with a new weight loss goal" starts NOW!I need the accountability from you all to push and propel me forward in the right direction again.  If ya get sick of my rambling...venting....don't read it, I'm DOING this for me, no one else.  From when I started back in February I ended up losing 28 pounds.  I plateaued for much of the summer/fall months...BUTTT I was eating/running and working out pretty well.  Sad to say I've gained a total of 4 pounds in the month of November, I'm really hoping its mostly from Aunt Flo and that turkey dinner/and the several pieces of pie we had on Thanksgiving Day. 

As far as my half marathon went in October:  It was a surreal, amazing, once in a lifetime experience for myself.  I ran the entire thing with a dear friend of mine named Bridget.  That day was about 27 degrees, but at least it wasn't snowing or icing.  I had so many emotions that day...thinking how far I've come mentally....emotionally....and physically.  I had severe low self-esteem issues prior to even doing it.  I would say to myself, "YOU are seriously not a Cannot do this entire 13.1 miles!"  I would seriously say this when I started my training runs at 8 miles and make it only to mile 5 and have to walk.  I pushed myself everyday...every week until I was running 9, 10, 11 mile training runs once a week.....only developing strength I never knew I had.  On that day I got to mile 4 and looked over at Bridget and said, "This seriously SUCKS, but its such an awesome experience!"  Haha....Well, we got to mile 11 and I seriously thought I was DONE for.....we started to do some pretty good hills/inclines that my body was fighting for relief.  I pushed through....complaining and grunting the entire time.  Haha....Bridget:)  Then 1/4 of the way to the finish line....I told Bridget "Oh man, I seriously want to walk"....I can still see her face..."YOU only have 1/4 a mile left, you've got this!"  I made it......we crossed the finish line high fiving each other praising God for giving us/me the strength to persevere through all the doubts and struggles.  Our final time was 2:17, not bad for our first time...the best thing is that we didn't walk once. 

Here is where I draw the line and say I'm on board again.  Here I start another journey of losing inches and getting even more healthy.  Out with the pop, out with the junk food, out with the late-night binges, out with the evil negative self-talk.  I can do this! 

I found this picture this past weekend and noticed that I've come to far to QUIT.....the picture on the left is me a little over a year ago, and the one on the right is me on Thanksgiving Day, just a few days ago.  My sister is in both, and looks beautiful all the time!  Love her to pieces!!

I was floored by the results of this picture, and made me think..."Oh HECK NO, I'm not quitting!"  This picture fueled me to get off the binge/junk food train....and strive to do even better!
Wish ME LUCK!   What are you doing to propel into your healthy lifestyle?  Get on board with me...we'll keep each other accountable!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Next Level of My Fitness/Weight Loss Plan......

Hi !  Its been a while since I've updated you what has been happening in our crazy, chaotic, nutty lives :)   Bart is still plugging away with his OL classes.  He has about two weeks away from finishing his first one.  He has done so well, and I am sooooo proud of him !!!   I am still working towards weight loss......yatta yatta yatta....same old, same old for some of ya....if ya think I'm rambling please go up to that little red X on the right upper corner of your computer screen and your problem will be solved :)   I am writing to those who need a little inspiration, to those who are my faithful followers who like to hear me ramble, more importantly I am writing for ME!  Me...yes Me.  This blog is my online journal I can do about MY weight loss/ MY fitness/ & MY lifestyle well as recording the bumps/struggles along the way! It is a way for me to keep track what exactly works in the way of me losing these pounds, as well as what doesn't. 



I have been pretty consistent as far as weight loss these past 2 1/2 months- 20 pounds to be exact.  I have been hovering over that number loss for about two weeks now.  I had been running up until last week when I decided to come down with Strep Throat, isn't it weird?  Strep throat in the summertime?  Yuck!  I'm sure with this wacky weather anything is possible.  So last week I got about 4 full miles in for the week. My body was so week and tired from fevers, night sweats and chills.   I finally went to the doctor on Wednesday, only because Neela was going in to check her sore throat issues.  I just don't like going to the doctor at ALL, unless I'm having a baby:)   While I was at the doctor I had my blood pressure checked........drum roll AND ...................120/81 with NO MEDS ! ( I hadn't taken my Labetalol for over a week because I eventually, like I told you all before, want to be free of any BP meds for my body.  Well, the doc was happy with them numbers and told me that I didn't need anymore help from BP meds whatsoever !  YES!!! This was a huge goal of mine when I first started blogging to you all last March when I started this lifestyle change.  I am pretty proud of my self since I came from BP readings measuring 160/110 ( on the verge of a stroke, probably) and after losing 20 pounds dropping to my new normal BP readings !  Yes, I did it ! 



Well, a few weeks ago I got in touch with an online weight loss group that uses P90X for their workouts.  We, as a group, are accountable to each other in regards to working out 6 days a week to the Classic P90X schedule, eating clean, and taking photos of ourselves every 15 days.  THIS is the next step into my weight loss journey!  I am going to continue to run, since I have my 1/2 marathon scheduled for this October that I already committed to, and I could never ever go without all those endorphins.  By, adding P90X I am hoping I can increase my running speed/endurance, also build as much muscle as I possibly can- because in the end "muscles eat calories".   I am hoping to see big changes by the new routine I am incorporating.  Running will still be the love of my life, even tho I am trying new fitness routines.  Yesterday I started Day 1 of P90X (back, chest & AB ripper), and today Day 2 I did plyometrics ( probably won't be able to walk early tomorrow am,  I think I'll throw in an easy run to get them leg muscles stretched out a bit)



Kids have two day left of their OLS lessons.....YAYYY!  I think I am more excited than they are!!!!  I am doing the happy dance on Tuesday after our last scheduled lesson!!! :)  Have a great start to the week everyone ! 

I am going to leave you with this bible verse that I ran across and thought it was awesome : 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, its been two months since I've started this weight loss journey, and like my last post says...20# lighter!  I've been really struggling tho as of lately. I don't know if it is stress from the kids (trying to finish up the school year), or it maybe a bit of Bart doing his OL classes.  Bart and I have always been connected pretty much at the hip.  We have so much of a connection that I can almost finish any one of his sentences.  We have so much of a connection that I can tell him exactly what he's thinking before he even tells me.  Sooo....I'm thinking he's a bit stressed, overworked (Memorial Day Holiday HUGE chip sales), and completely exhausted!  He has had to read a bunch of daily lectures/books/bible passes etc since he started school three weeks ago.  Along with all that he has to write 300 word count essays on what he learns from those particular readings....Yes it doesn't sound like much word count wise....but for him it has been tough!  I think the blunt of it has been hard on me because I know him through and through.  I feel his pain physically as well :(    
So running/exercising has been really tough for me this past week.  I've had to FORCE my body to do the work my brain needs to badly!  #endorphinjunkie    
I've been eating ahhhh pretty A-Okay.......I'm really good at my occasional binges, I haven't seem to quite grow out of them as of yet.  I think the more I lose, the more disciplined I will get......(hopefully).....Because I can really polish off a few Hershey bars on a bad day :(   I guess you could say that I'm hanging in there, and pretty much doing the best I my sister says "Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming.....(Dori off of Finding Nemo!) 

                       & My SISTER....for her love & encouragement #soblessedtohaveasisterandabff

Running..............this week has been PIT.I.FUL!  My LEGs just didn't want to go these past few days :(  Don't know if I'm really exhausted, or if I'm just getting BURNT OUT!  Monday I started off doing a rather slow 4 miler, then today I ran an even slower 6 miler.  Don't get my wrong I will NEVER dessert my love for running.....but I have been taking a few days off a week so my body can rest/recover a bit.  I am religiously running 5 days a week (averaging 20 miles a week) for the past two weeks anyways.  I was doing 6-7 days a week,  averaging 4-8 miles, but decided to cut back since I was having trouble even getting out of bed in the kidding there. 
And its official.....a dear friend of mine registered us BOTH for the Mankato Marathon (Half) (thanks a bunch Bridget!)  that will take place this October.  So the HEAT is on, no backing out now!  I am excited, but a bit nervous since I have never even ran that high of miles....YET :)  I heard from a lot of my runner friends/blogs that once you run the half, you are completely HOOKED & that you crave more higher mileage be ready Bridget R., next year is the 26.2 :)   Haha race at a time, I guess.  Thanks for reading!  Have a great rest of the week!!


Friday, May 17, 2013

20# Loss...Finally.

Well, last night after ignorning my scale for a few weeks I got to see a full 20# weight loss!  Finally......I really thought my body was forgetting how to shed unwanted weight.  So it really took about 9 weeks to lose this far.  I'm going strong, still having my slip ups now and then....(occ. cheating).

I went into this whole weight loss thing...wanting to lose... all of this weight by the time I started to wear shorts....meaning summer.  Well, I need to realize this is NOT going to happen.  If I just stay head strong, consistently eating rather healthy, while continuing to run my weekly miles, I should be able to hit my goal weight.  I would like to lose another 30 by this fall.  I really don't want to run 13.109375 miles (aka 1/2marathon) weighing what I do now.  I think it will be a little bit easier if I'm not carrying the extra 30 pounds (about the size of Neela) while running them high miles all at once.  One day at a time tho right?

Well, Lex has up last softball game tonight !  This is a relief  since our schedules have been so ridiculous the last month.  Clint, Jake and Tate will start baseball in 2 weeks, but for two weeks we don't  have to eat cold meat sandwiches for supper :)   Yayyyy!  The five older OLS kids are winding down with their few last weeks of school.  We are ALL ready for summer break!  It will be so nice to be able to have our days free from school activities/lessons and such.  I'm sure we will continue to read and work on our math facts tho.....Beau and Neela only have four more days left of preschool. They both have had such a great school year!  Where did this school year go?  Well, I wish you all a great weekend !  TGIF

PS: A huge thank you to my brother for sending my LOADS of new songs for my Mp3 player! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Update: I've been a little MIA......

Hello to my fellow readers!  It's been a long time since I've wrote/blogged about life in general.  We've been crazy busy.....(our normal house is busy)....but these past few weeks have been absolutely CRAZY!  Lex started playing softball about a month ago, so just these past few weeks she has been making up all those cancelled games due to the crazy Minnesota snowstorms we had. 

Bart has started his classes online for the ministry program at Crossroads College in Rochester.  He started two weeks ago.....WOW!  That first week we were really looking at ourselves thinking can we really do this?  That first week Bart was running on about 4 hours of sleep at night.  I was in charge of proofreading/typing his papers that were due about everyday at midnight.  I want to support him through and through with this journey we are on, I believe the Lord has called Bart us to serve.  Kicking and screaming starting the process, so be it ! We will prevail as a family.....We will prevail as far as our faith deepening in Jesus Christ.  Satan is throwing his daggers right and left to try and get this whole school process to unveil, its been difficult...but we will make it!  Amen......

On to weight loss......well, if you even really wanna call it that anymore!:)  (Do I sound like I'm frustrated?)  I have lost a TON of inches, but still at my 17 lb weight loss as of 1 month ago.  Does this mean I have plateaued for a month strait?  Does this mean I'm quitting?  Does this mean I'm eating like crap and going to gain back that 17 lbs?   NOT.A.CHANCE!  I am working hard on staying focused on inches rather than weight.  Do I want that scale to go down another 30 pounds?  ABSOLUTELY!  But, I need to be easy on myself....for 3 reasons:  1.  I am exercising/running almost 5-6 days a week.  2.  I am still eating rather healthy and watching my portions like a hawk!
3. I can button my dress pants (I call them church pants, because I don't wear them anywhere else:) )
without having the top button bust open as I sit down in the church pews :)  This is a HUGE deal for me !  I am starting to see some major changes, which gives me hope that my body is in transition of becoming smaller/healthier overall. 

Don't worry, I'm not quitting.....!!  Even if it takes me the next 2 years, Lord I hope it doesn't take me that long I will eventually be at a healthy weight !  BTW:  Bart hit his goal weight of 182 this past week, so in 4 weeks he went from 206 to 182...(#stillsojealous!)  #alsosoproudofhim!  The only reason I am posting this is because he never reads my blogs, so I think I'm safe :)  Haha ! Enjoy the warmer temps !  We are LOVING it here at the Waddell household :)