Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, its been two months since I've started this weight loss journey, and like my last post says...20# lighter!  I've been really struggling tho as of lately. I don't know if it is stress from the kids (trying to finish up the school year), or it maybe a bit of Bart doing his OL classes.  Bart and I have always been connected pretty much at the hip.  We have so much of a connection that I can almost finish any one of his sentences.  We have so much of a connection that I can tell him exactly what he's thinking before he even tells me.  Sooo....I'm thinking he's a bit stressed, overworked (Memorial Day Holiday approaching.....is HUGE chip sales), and completely exhausted!  He has had to read a bunch of daily lectures/books/bible passes etc since he started school three weeks ago.  Along with all that he has to write 300 word count essays on what he learns from those particular readings....Yes it doesn't sound like much word count wise....but for him it has been tough!  I think the blunt of it has been hard on me because I know him through and through.  I feel his pain physically as well :(    
So running/exercising has been really tough for me this past week.  I've had to FORCE my body to do the work my brain needs to badly!  #endorphinjunkie    
I've been eating ahhhh pretty A-Okay.......I'm really good at my occasional binges, I haven't seem to quite grow out of them as of yet.  I think the more I lose, the more disciplined I will get......(hopefully).....Because I can really polish off a few Hershey bars on a bad day :(   I guess you could say that I'm hanging in there, and pretty much doing the best I can...as my sister says "Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming.....(Dori off of Finding Nemo!) 

                       & My SISTER....for her love & encouragement #soblessedtohaveasisterandabff

Running..............this week has been PIT.I.FUL!  My LEGs just didn't want to go these past few days :(  Don't know if I'm really exhausted, or if I'm just getting BURNT OUT!  Monday I started off doing a rather slow 4 miler, then today I ran an even slower 6 miler.  Don't get my wrong I will NEVER dessert my love for running.....but I have been taking a few days off a week so my body can rest/recover a bit.  I am religiously running 5 days a week (averaging 20 miles a week) for the past two weeks anyways.  I was doing 6-7 days a week,  averaging 4-8 miles, but decided to cut back since I was having trouble even getting out of bed in the mornings...no kidding there. 
And its official.....a dear friend of mine registered us BOTH for the Mankato Marathon (Half) (thanks a bunch Bridget!)  that will take place this October.  So the HEAT is on, no backing out now!  I am excited, but a bit nervous since I have never even ran that high of miles....YET :)  I heard from a lot of my runner friends/blogs that once you run the half, you are completely HOOKED & that you crave more higher mileage races......so be ready Bridget R., next year is the 26.2 :)   Haha JK.....one race at a time, I guess.  Thanks for reading!  Have a great rest of the week!!


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