So running/exercising has been really tough for me this past week. I've had to FORCE my body to do the work my brain needs to badly! #endorphinjunkie
I've been eating ahhhh pretty A-Okay.......I'm really good at my occasional binges, I haven't seem to quite grow out of them as of yet. I think the more I lose, the more disciplined I will get......(hopefully).....Because I can really polish off a few Hershey bars on a bad day :( I guess you could say that I'm hanging in there, and pretty much doing the best I my sister says "Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming.....(Dori off of Finding Nemo!)
Running..............this week has been PIT.I.FUL! My LEGs just didn't want to go these past few days :( Don't know if I'm really exhausted, or if I'm just getting BURNT OUT! Monday I started off doing a rather slow 4 miler, then today I ran an even slower 6 miler. Don't get my wrong I will NEVER dessert my love for running.....but I have been taking a few days off a week so my body can rest/recover a bit. I am religiously running 5 days a week (averaging 20 miles a week) for the past two weeks anyways. I was doing 6-7 days a week, averaging 4-8 miles, but decided to cut back since I was having trouble even getting out of bed in the kidding there.
And its official.....a dear friend of mine registered us BOTH for the Mankato Marathon (Half) (thanks a bunch Bridget!) that will take place this October. So the HEAT is on, no backing out now! I am excited, but a bit nervous since I have never even ran that high of miles....YET :) I heard from a lot of my runner friends/blogs that once you run the half, you are completely HOOKED & that you crave more higher mileage be ready Bridget R., next year is the 26.2 :) Haha race at a time, I guess. Thanks for reading! Have a great rest of the week!!
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