Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Update: I've been a little MIA......

Hello to my fellow readers!  It's been a long time since I've wrote/blogged about life in general.  We've been crazy busy.....(our normal house is busy)....but these past few weeks have been absolutely CRAZY!  Lex started playing softball about a month ago, so just these past few weeks she has been making up all those cancelled games due to the crazy Minnesota snowstorms we had. 

Bart has started his classes online for the ministry program at Crossroads College in Rochester.  He started two weeks ago.....WOW!  That first week we were really looking at ourselves thinking can we really do this?  That first week Bart was running on about 4 hours of sleep at night.  I was in charge of proofreading/typing his papers that were due about everyday at midnight.  I want to support him through and through with this journey we are on, I believe the Lord has called Bart us to serve.  Kicking and screaming starting the process, so be it ! We will prevail as a family.....We will prevail as far as our faith deepening in Jesus Christ.  Satan is throwing his daggers right and left to try and get this whole school process to unveil, its been difficult...but we will make it!  Amen......

On to weight loss......well, if you even really wanna call it that anymore!:)  (Do I sound like I'm frustrated?)  I have lost a TON of inches, but still at my 17 lb weight loss as of 1 month ago.  Does this mean I have plateaued for a month strait?  Does this mean I'm quitting?  Does this mean I'm eating like crap and going to gain back that 17 lbs?   NOT.A.CHANCE!  I am working hard on staying focused on inches rather than weight.  Do I want that scale to go down another 30 pounds?  ABSOLUTELY!  But, I need to be easy on myself....for 3 reasons:  1.  I am exercising/running almost 5-6 days a week.  2.  I am still eating rather healthy and watching my portions like a hawk!
3. I can button my dress pants (I call them church pants, because I don't wear them anywhere else:) )
without having the top button bust open as I sit down in the church pews :)  This is a HUGE deal for me !  I am starting to see some major changes, which gives me hope that my body is in transition of becoming smaller/healthier overall. 

Don't worry, I'm not quitting.....!!  Even if it takes me the next 2 years, Lord I hope it doesn't take me that long I will eventually be at a healthy weight !  BTW:  Bart hit his goal weight of 182 this past week, so in 4 weeks he went from 206 to 182...(#stillsojealous!)  #alsosoproudofhim!  The only reason I am posting this is because he never reads my blogs, so I think I'm safe :)  Haha ! Enjoy the warmer temps !  We are LOVING it here at the Waddell household :)

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