Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm Baacck! After 6 months of silence...

Well, HELLO everyone!  Its been a loooong time since I wrote any post/update or anything.  I was looking at my blog and realized it was 6 months ago TODAY!  Well, a lot of things have happened in that time.  I lost a bit more weight/gained a ton of muscle/worked up to running an entire half marathon/oh and since that time I've fallen off the wagon BIG TIME!  Ever since I ran that half I've kind of forgotten how to eat 'right'.  I've forgotten how mentally strong you have to be to be to stay healthy!  I've forgotten that it takes two steps forward and a one a step back.  I've forgotten that I truly want to be healthy forever.  So, I was saying ever since my half marathon on October 20 I've eaten everything that I never used to.  Cookies, chex mix (sucks its the holidays coming), French fries ( I seriously did give these up for five whole months) Diet Pop (yes I'm back at this, but this is why I'm writing...I've got to get things strait in my head mentally in order to be successful again and hopefully this time it will stick. 

I believe there have been several factors in which I kind of fell off the health wagon...In September I started a job working with residents that struggle with memory and Alzheimer's.  It has rewarded me so many times working with these amazing people.  I've never worked at a job where I went home and was so proud of myself for making someone smile for probably the first time that day.  I've also started a business in Premier Jewelry the past few weeks, due to the help/support of some pretty incredible people in my life.  Praying for God's guidance as I venture off into this new opportunity for myself and my family.  Anyways, back to health/fitness...I feel like I've been back to this, "Crap, I ate junky all day today, WELL I just start tomorrow"........I seriously cannot deal with this again.  This was so DeJaVu when I first started losing weight back in February. 

I'm not going to be one of these people that say..."Shoot, I'll start New Years with a new weight loss goal" starts NOW!I need the accountability from you all to push and propel me forward in the right direction again.  If ya get sick of my rambling...venting....don't read it, I'm DOING this for me, no one else.  From when I started back in February I ended up losing 28 pounds.  I plateaued for much of the summer/fall months...BUTTT I was eating/running and working out pretty well.  Sad to say I've gained a total of 4 pounds in the month of November, I'm really hoping its mostly from Aunt Flo and that turkey dinner/and the several pieces of pie we had on Thanksgiving Day. 

As far as my half marathon went in October:  It was a surreal, amazing, once in a lifetime experience for myself.  I ran the entire thing with a dear friend of mine named Bridget.  That day was about 27 degrees, but at least it wasn't snowing or icing.  I had so many emotions that day...thinking how far I've come mentally....emotionally....and physically.  I had severe low self-esteem issues prior to even doing it.  I would say to myself, "YOU are seriously not a Cannot do this entire 13.1 miles!"  I would seriously say this when I started my training runs at 8 miles and make it only to mile 5 and have to walk.  I pushed myself everyday...every week until I was running 9, 10, 11 mile training runs once a week.....only developing strength I never knew I had.  On that day I got to mile 4 and looked over at Bridget and said, "This seriously SUCKS, but its such an awesome experience!"  Haha....Well, we got to mile 11 and I seriously thought I was DONE for.....we started to do some pretty good hills/inclines that my body was fighting for relief.  I pushed through....complaining and grunting the entire time.  Haha....Bridget:)  Then 1/4 of the way to the finish line....I told Bridget "Oh man, I seriously want to walk"....I can still see her face..."YOU only have 1/4 a mile left, you've got this!"  I made it......we crossed the finish line high fiving each other praising God for giving us/me the strength to persevere through all the doubts and struggles.  Our final time was 2:17, not bad for our first time...the best thing is that we didn't walk once. 

Here is where I draw the line and say I'm on board again.  Here I start another journey of losing inches and getting even more healthy.  Out with the pop, out with the junk food, out with the late-night binges, out with the evil negative self-talk.  I can do this! 

I found this picture this past weekend and noticed that I've come to far to QUIT.....the picture on the left is me a little over a year ago, and the one on the right is me on Thanksgiving Day, just a few days ago.  My sister is in both, and looks beautiful all the time!  Love her to pieces!!

I was floored by the results of this picture, and made me think..."Oh HECK NO, I'm not quitting!"  This picture fueled me to get off the binge/junk food train....and strive to do even better!
Wish ME LUCK!   What are you doing to propel into your healthy lifestyle?  Get on board with me...we'll keep each other accountable!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Next Level of My Fitness/Weight Loss Plan......

Hi !  Its been a while since I've updated you what has been happening in our crazy, chaotic, nutty lives :)   Bart is still plugging away with his OL classes.  He has about two weeks away from finishing his first one.  He has done so well, and I am sooooo proud of him !!!   I am still working towards weight loss......yatta yatta yatta....same old, same old for some of ya....if ya think I'm rambling please go up to that little red X on the right upper corner of your computer screen and your problem will be solved :)   I am writing to those who need a little inspiration, to those who are my faithful followers who like to hear me ramble, more importantly I am writing for ME!  Me...yes Me.  This blog is my online journal I can do about MY weight loss/ MY fitness/ & MY lifestyle well as recording the bumps/struggles along the way! It is a way for me to keep track what exactly works in the way of me losing these pounds, as well as what doesn't. 



I have been pretty consistent as far as weight loss these past 2 1/2 months- 20 pounds to be exact.  I have been hovering over that number loss for about two weeks now.  I had been running up until last week when I decided to come down with Strep Throat, isn't it weird?  Strep throat in the summertime?  Yuck!  I'm sure with this wacky weather anything is possible.  So last week I got about 4 full miles in for the week. My body was so week and tired from fevers, night sweats and chills.   I finally went to the doctor on Wednesday, only because Neela was going in to check her sore throat issues.  I just don't like going to the doctor at ALL, unless I'm having a baby:)   While I was at the doctor I had my blood pressure checked........drum roll AND ...................120/81 with NO MEDS ! ( I hadn't taken my Labetalol for over a week because I eventually, like I told you all before, want to be free of any BP meds for my body.  Well, the doc was happy with them numbers and told me that I didn't need anymore help from BP meds whatsoever !  YES!!! This was a huge goal of mine when I first started blogging to you all last March when I started this lifestyle change.  I am pretty proud of my self since I came from BP readings measuring 160/110 ( on the verge of a stroke, probably) and after losing 20 pounds dropping to my new normal BP readings !  Yes, I did it ! 



Well, a few weeks ago I got in touch with an online weight loss group that uses P90X for their workouts.  We, as a group, are accountable to each other in regards to working out 6 days a week to the Classic P90X schedule, eating clean, and taking photos of ourselves every 15 days.  THIS is the next step into my weight loss journey!  I am going to continue to run, since I have my 1/2 marathon scheduled for this October that I already committed to, and I could never ever go without all those endorphins.  By, adding P90X I am hoping I can increase my running speed/endurance, also build as much muscle as I possibly can- because in the end "muscles eat calories".   I am hoping to see big changes by the new routine I am incorporating.  Running will still be the love of my life, even tho I am trying new fitness routines.  Yesterday I started Day 1 of P90X (back, chest & AB ripper), and today Day 2 I did plyometrics ( probably won't be able to walk early tomorrow am,  I think I'll throw in an easy run to get them leg muscles stretched out a bit)



Kids have two day left of their OLS lessons.....YAYYY!  I think I am more excited than they are!!!!  I am doing the happy dance on Tuesday after our last scheduled lesson!!! :)  Have a great start to the week everyone ! 

I am going to leave you with this bible verse that I ran across and thought it was awesome : 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, its been two months since I've started this weight loss journey, and like my last post says...20# lighter!  I've been really struggling tho as of lately. I don't know if it is stress from the kids (trying to finish up the school year), or it maybe a bit of Bart doing his OL classes.  Bart and I have always been connected pretty much at the hip.  We have so much of a connection that I can almost finish any one of his sentences.  We have so much of a connection that I can tell him exactly what he's thinking before he even tells me.  Sooo....I'm thinking he's a bit stressed, overworked (Memorial Day Holiday HUGE chip sales), and completely exhausted!  He has had to read a bunch of daily lectures/books/bible passes etc since he started school three weeks ago.  Along with all that he has to write 300 word count essays on what he learns from those particular readings....Yes it doesn't sound like much word count wise....but for him it has been tough!  I think the blunt of it has been hard on me because I know him through and through.  I feel his pain physically as well :(    
So running/exercising has been really tough for me this past week.  I've had to FORCE my body to do the work my brain needs to badly!  #endorphinjunkie    
I've been eating ahhhh pretty A-Okay.......I'm really good at my occasional binges, I haven't seem to quite grow out of them as of yet.  I think the more I lose, the more disciplined I will get......(hopefully).....Because I can really polish off a few Hershey bars on a bad day :(   I guess you could say that I'm hanging in there, and pretty much doing the best I my sister says "Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming.....(Dori off of Finding Nemo!) 

                       & My SISTER....for her love & encouragement #soblessedtohaveasisterandabff

Running..............this week has been PIT.I.FUL!  My LEGs just didn't want to go these past few days :(  Don't know if I'm really exhausted, or if I'm just getting BURNT OUT!  Monday I started off doing a rather slow 4 miler, then today I ran an even slower 6 miler.  Don't get my wrong I will NEVER dessert my love for running.....but I have been taking a few days off a week so my body can rest/recover a bit.  I am religiously running 5 days a week (averaging 20 miles a week) for the past two weeks anyways.  I was doing 6-7 days a week,  averaging 4-8 miles, but decided to cut back since I was having trouble even getting out of bed in the kidding there. 
And its official.....a dear friend of mine registered us BOTH for the Mankato Marathon (Half) (thanks a bunch Bridget!)  that will take place this October.  So the HEAT is on, no backing out now!  I am excited, but a bit nervous since I have never even ran that high of miles....YET :)  I heard from a lot of my runner friends/blogs that once you run the half, you are completely HOOKED & that you crave more higher mileage be ready Bridget R., next year is the 26.2 :)   Haha race at a time, I guess.  Thanks for reading!  Have a great rest of the week!!


Friday, May 17, 2013

20# Loss...Finally.

Well, last night after ignorning my scale for a few weeks I got to see a full 20# weight loss!  Finally......I really thought my body was forgetting how to shed unwanted weight.  So it really took about 9 weeks to lose this far.  I'm going strong, still having my slip ups now and then....(occ. cheating).

I went into this whole weight loss thing...wanting to lose... all of this weight by the time I started to wear shorts....meaning summer.  Well, I need to realize this is NOT going to happen.  If I just stay head strong, consistently eating rather healthy, while continuing to run my weekly miles, I should be able to hit my goal weight.  I would like to lose another 30 by this fall.  I really don't want to run 13.109375 miles (aka 1/2marathon) weighing what I do now.  I think it will be a little bit easier if I'm not carrying the extra 30 pounds (about the size of Neela) while running them high miles all at once.  One day at a time tho right?

Well, Lex has up last softball game tonight !  This is a relief  since our schedules have been so ridiculous the last month.  Clint, Jake and Tate will start baseball in 2 weeks, but for two weeks we don't  have to eat cold meat sandwiches for supper :)   Yayyyy!  The five older OLS kids are winding down with their few last weeks of school.  We are ALL ready for summer break!  It will be so nice to be able to have our days free from school activities/lessons and such.  I'm sure we will continue to read and work on our math facts tho.....Beau and Neela only have four more days left of preschool. They both have had such a great school year!  Where did this school year go?  Well, I wish you all a great weekend !  TGIF

PS: A huge thank you to my brother for sending my LOADS of new songs for my Mp3 player! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Update: I've been a little MIA......

Hello to my fellow readers!  It's been a long time since I've wrote/blogged about life in general.  We've been crazy busy.....(our normal house is busy)....but these past few weeks have been absolutely CRAZY!  Lex started playing softball about a month ago, so just these past few weeks she has been making up all those cancelled games due to the crazy Minnesota snowstorms we had. 

Bart has started his classes online for the ministry program at Crossroads College in Rochester.  He started two weeks ago.....WOW!  That first week we were really looking at ourselves thinking can we really do this?  That first week Bart was running on about 4 hours of sleep at night.  I was in charge of proofreading/typing his papers that were due about everyday at midnight.  I want to support him through and through with this journey we are on, I believe the Lord has called Bart us to serve.  Kicking and screaming starting the process, so be it ! We will prevail as a family.....We will prevail as far as our faith deepening in Jesus Christ.  Satan is throwing his daggers right and left to try and get this whole school process to unveil, its been difficult...but we will make it!  Amen......

On to weight loss......well, if you even really wanna call it that anymore!:)  (Do I sound like I'm frustrated?)  I have lost a TON of inches, but still at my 17 lb weight loss as of 1 month ago.  Does this mean I have plateaued for a month strait?  Does this mean I'm quitting?  Does this mean I'm eating like crap and going to gain back that 17 lbs?   NOT.A.CHANCE!  I am working hard on staying focused on inches rather than weight.  Do I want that scale to go down another 30 pounds?  ABSOLUTELY!  But, I need to be easy on myself....for 3 reasons:  1.  I am exercising/running almost 5-6 days a week.  2.  I am still eating rather healthy and watching my portions like a hawk!
3. I can button my dress pants (I call them church pants, because I don't wear them anywhere else:) )
without having the top button bust open as I sit down in the church pews :)  This is a HUGE deal for me !  I am starting to see some major changes, which gives me hope that my body is in transition of becoming smaller/healthier overall. 

Don't worry, I'm not quitting.....!!  Even if it takes me the next 2 years, Lord I hope it doesn't take me that long I will eventually be at a healthy weight !  BTW:  Bart hit his goal weight of 182 this past week, so in 4 weeks he went from 206 to 182...(#stillsojealous!)  #alsosoproudofhim!  The only reason I am posting this is because he never reads my blogs, so I think I'm safe :)  Haha ! Enjoy the warmer temps !  We are LOVING it here at the Waddell household :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day !

Happy May Day everyone !  So sad that its not 70 deg plus outside.  It is now in the 30s here and has been snowing for about five hours .  The forecast predicts our town getting six to nine inches of snow.  Neela was running around the house today singing Christmas songs !  How I love her....she's a bit confused with this goofy weather trend!  :)   

Well, this week has gone okay other than the weather.  I have been still working hard at losing/ eating healthy.  I 've actually had a few binges here and there, but each time I do this, I learn something new.........I remember distinctly each time how I feel after I do this.  TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, actually I feel like a failure.  But, each hour is new for me, & each day is new. I can start over just where I left off before I ate a few five rice krispie bars, angel food cake etc.

 I just simply CANNOT have the junk in the house, if its there I EAT !  I LOVE FOOD, ESP SWEETS !  Doesn't everyone ?? I will learn and get this healthy living thing one way or another.  I actually call myself a rookie at this healthy lifestyle change, so I guess I can have a few slip ups and just learn from them.  Rise above,  keep losing, making better food choices, and keep working my butt off in the meantime. 

This week everyday I've still been trying to work in some sort of exercise activity.  I didn't get to run that much yesterday or today because of  Lexi's softball game and because of the snow today.  So last night I came home and put Jillian Michael's Six Pack In Six Weeks Workout DVD in. I have had it for over a year and never even opened it until last night,.....A N D ..........WOW !  I thought she kicked people's butt on the Biggest Loser, she literally made me HURT today ~  It is an amazing core/ab workout, but I also felt it in my butt and thigh areas.  It is an amazing DVD!  I heard that 30 Day Shred is even better, so I may try and work on getting that one in the future.  It is nice to fall back on something like that since running outside is nearly impossible sometimes.  Also, I would LOVE to strengthen my core area since having a strong one is so beneficial for being a long distance runner.  #aslolajonessays

Well, have a great rest of the week everyone !  I'm going to keep plugging away turning my flab into muscle, and start making my scale go into decrease mode.  Oh did I mention Bart has lost 22 pounds !  UGH!  Guys and their metabolisms!  SO.....NOT....FAIR~!  I am proud of him even tho, I'm COMPLETELY JEALOUS ! :) 


Monday, April 29, 2013

Slow, But Sure....

Its Monday everyone !  Hope you all had a fantastic weekend, we sure did!
We spend a lot of hours outdoors all weekend long.  Played a few games of baseball with Bart and the kids this weekend, IT WAS A BLAST.  Bart would chuckle at me running the bases because my legs have been so sore from my speed/tempo work.  That's okay, I didn't mind I still had so much fun even tho!

Well, I'm still sitting at my 16 pound weight loss story, BUT.....its really okay.  I am hanging strong working through my running &exercise routines.  I don't think I'm eating the best right now because we are so busy with Lex having softball games, practices that I'm not paying attention to just how many bites I am eating of everything.  I'm trying, and I say trying to stay away from sugar.  I do allow myself some kind of sweet treat at least everyday, I wonder if I'm hurting myself by doing this.  I've got to keep going tho, I will not let this weight rent my body (as I said in the past) for another whole year. 

My big goal is to have most of it off by the time I run my half marathon in October, which gives me about 5 1/2 months.  I have been, up until a few weeks ago, been regularly losing about 2-3 pounds per week.  For some reason I am stuck hovering over my same weight, but its really okay because I am still working hard, and eating healthy almost 90% of the time.   

Last week I started to walk with Bart...(more like speed walk, he walks sooooo fast!) for about 3-4 miles per day.  Then at night I would run my normal 3-5 mile routes.  Yes, it is a lot of work!  When someone says, "Weight Loss Is Hard Work"...I completely, and totally agree with them!  I just know what I want....and it may take almost a year to get all my weight off that I would like to, but I'm going to just keep working.

Today is Monday at 12:45 pm I just finished running my 5 miler, then Bart came home from work around 10:30 and asked if I would walk with him, so we did a 4 mile power walk.  So proud of myself that I'm keeping up with the momentum and knowing that I'm one day closer to being healthy.  I'm going to continue to kick myself in the butt everyday 'til I get down to a healthy weight for my body.  Have a great day everyone ! 

Saw this on Pinterest and thought it was hilarious ! :)  Couldn't help but laugh!! Wish I could say this is NEVER me ! ;)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Yes, I'm Still Here.....Scale Obsessed :)

Hi!  Its been a while since I've updated you all on my weight loss/running progress.  I just checked my stats and saw that a lot of you are dedicated readers, so I thought I wouldn't leave you hanging.  If I can help and inspire just one person, that would be so incredible to me.  This week has been one of my hardest thus far.  Emotionally, physically, and mentally!  Nope I haven't quit, but I've came close.....due to my lovely -monthly cycle/and possibly a plateau.  Yes, six weeks into my running, eating healthy plan I've lost 16 pounds STILL!  I have come to terms this week that I've almost 'literally' ran strait into a brick wall!  jk :)

 I had my monthly friend visit this week..... aka as women refer to it..."Aunt Flo!"  Sorry guys......I gotta be strait here and not try and tell you a bunch of stuff about me that isn't true.  I am completely honest when I say things that probably aren't blog approved, such as monthly cycles.  Let me explain....earlier this week I noticed my scale was creeping up a bit.  I was ready to literally lose it, because I've upped my intensity with some weight lifting, running, and added some intense core work.  Normally, I would think I'd be down another two pounds or so......but what the heck!!  The scale is going up???!!!!  UGH!  Here Bart is ...... still losing like crazy, eating his salads, having willpower like crazy when it comes to junk food!  Don't get me wrong, I'm dang proud of his weight loss!:)   But, here I was  hormone fused.....looking for the nearest chocolate staple, frustrated as heck that my scale was moving the wrong way!   Well, I didn't binge on chocolate or anything, but I was close.  I came to finally figure out by the end of this week, I immediately was down to my normal 16 pound loss weight like before.  Has anyone ever else had this happen to them?   weight gain during Aunt Flo's visit?    Ladies?  Mom?  Erika?  :)    ( I'm literally laughing at myself out loud right now sharing this information with you all!)  HA!  Like I said previous, I want to share what my motivations are, what is working....and what is NOT working as far as my weight loss goals. I am definitely 'putting' myself out there for accountability, just as my first post says. :) 

Anyways, I'm back at it. Going strong running about 8 miles total this week.  Definitely not like my previous weeks, but I have added a lot of speed work, tempo runs, and a lot of weight training, squats, planks, and lots of core work.  I'm trying to add quite a bit more exercises along into my  running routines.  They say your body gets used to doing the same old exercise, so I'm trying to shake things up a bit so I can get that scale up and MOVING again!     I'll try and post a few of Bart and I's fav recipes what we've been whipping up that are delish............. keeping us healthy and losing these pounds.     Have a blessed weekend!!  (I am looking forward to some nice long runs, since the weather is going to be amazing)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

One Day At A Time.....

Well, Hi everyone !  Yet, another day of 'winter'.  I think everybody that you talk to is sooooo ready for sunshine, warm weather, and days with no snow in the forecast.  Yet, I know everyone says, "We need the MOISTURE!."  Well, someone is getting blessed with praying for moisture.  We are learning about being content in our Sunday School class.  It is sooooo hard to learn and live to be content each day with snow flying in the air twice in a week. Anyways, I guess we need to just be thankful that we are alive, healthy, and we get to live another day on this planet.  My parents have already mowed a few times living in Fort Madison, Iowa.  I swear living down there is like a 'little Florida." :)   I am so jealous ~!

On to my healthy/eating journey.  I am still going pretty strong, haven't fell off the wagon just yet. I am not ready to ditch the new eating/workout/running plan as of yet.  I really hope and pray I don't each day.  I am actually feeling good, having a lot more energy, and I feel amazing that I 'm actually sticking to this plan.  Right now, I am taking ONE DAY/ONE MEAL/ONE HOUR at a time.  Sometimes days are just down right hard tho.  With having seven kids in our family it can be a real struggle.  Even tho we don't buy a lot of junk food anymore, the kids still get an occasional cookie or two here and there.  We are hoping to instill healthy eating/exercise into their daily lives.  GOSH, I sound like Michelle Obama. :)

Back at that last sentence...noticed I put the word WE....Yes, Bart is on track with this healthy/eating living thing, just as I am.  He got on that wagon about three weeks after I started.  He now says that I inspired HIM!   Amazing....  He didn't tell me that at first, but I'm glad he sure did, it made me feel incredible !!!!   I really think it helps with both of our healthy eating/ weight loss that I am cooking only mostly gluten-free/low to no sugar.  AKA I refer to them as SKINNY DISHES !  The kids are getting used to me trying new recipes and introducing new foods etc.  They are finding out that healthy food actually tastes good !  Its a lot of pinterest time finding good/healthy recipes or really good ones but eliminating all the higher fat, sodium, sugar....substituting with Greek yogurt, 98% FF cream soups, and reduced fat/foods. 
 The changes have benefited both Bart and I.  He has lost about 16 pounds in three to four weeks, where I have lost 16 pounds in 6 weeks.  AHHHH~!  Guys, and their muscle mass.  This reminds me of that cartoon commercial that was on a few years ago where the husband and wife were losing weight together, and in the end the husband ended up being skinny as a stick, while the wife just got smaller boobs!  :)    I can also remember my father-in-law Mike losing a bunch of weight after he had an unexpected stroke.  He did a good job losing some weight, and I remember Judy, my mother-in-law just rolling her eyes and just being frustrated how easy it was for him to lose weight.  Those Waddell men have some stinking HIGH metabolisms!  We are soo envious !  The best thing about Bart, is that he's made a change and I am sooo proud of him for doing & keeping at it!  And~ being honest about telling me that I INSPIRED HIM!  Love Him!

Well, this week I am still sitting at a 16 pound loss, like I told you above.  I ran about 7 miles on Monday, I took Tues/Wed off, due to my kiddos traveling out of town to do MCA testing.  Today, as I was getting pelted by Mother Nature with ice pellets, I was able to run about 3.5 miles out to our town cemetery.  It was horrible weather conditions.  I could just see the puddles of rain just pouring off of my raincoat hood.  I asked myself...."WHY ARE YOU OUT IN THIS MESS?" ...... I shut that thought down immediately!  I told myself, "BREATHE....JUST.KEEP.GOING" 

Running is sooooo mental.  You could get frustrated and quit just by thinking the wind isn't right, if your shoes aren't right, heck even if your pants aren't fighting just right.  I am learning....and I say learning, to fight through those emotions/feelings knowing that my body is strong, and my legs are capable of carrying me for miles and miles.  I was kind of embarrassed today as I was out in this rainy/snowy day when  a farmer stopped to ask me, "Are you exercising (looking at me thinking... YOUR NUTS WOMAN) or do you need a ride?"  He was such a nice man, concerned with me being out in such awful weather conditions.  I just thanked him politely and said...."No I'm okay, I'm just one dedicated and committed runner!"

My HEART goes out to all the victims/families affected by this heartless tragedy.  May God bring justice to those responsible. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Dish on Weight Loss/Programs

Anybody else craving summer? Warm temps?  85 degree tank top/flip flop weather? 
I sooo am!! 

Anyways onto this blog post:

I have been really reading and studying nutrition/weight loss in my not-so-much 'spare' time.  I ran across this article which I thought was really good, and I wanted to share it with you all!  Here goes: (btw-I'll put my opinion in after each post if I think it relates to what I'm facing in my weight loss goals)

Let me be clear.....I am... totally not a dietitian or doctor, I just found this information on the web, and I couldn't agree with it anymore.....  

Today I want to talk about why so many weight loss programs and "diets" fail. I'm going to explain it for you right now.

It is important to understand that becoming lean or tone is achieved through fat-loss and lean muscle gain, not weight loss. This is important because:
  • Muscle tissue burns calories. One pound of lean mass/muscle burns around 15 to 50 calories a day. On the other hand, one pound of fat only burns 6 calories a day. Plus fat is stored energy, storing nearly 3500 calories per pound.
*This week I have started some major strength training exercises.  I think eating whole/clean foods aids so much in weight loss, (they always say 'abs' are made in the kitchen) but lifting any kind of weights, I have found in the past, can totally change a person's body.  I use simple 5 to 10 pound free weights 10 to 30 reps once or twice a day.  Usually in my basement, when I am already heading down to throw a load of laundry in, anyways.  I just have been working out 15 to 25 min at a time.  Nothing too intense & modifying or I think I will get pretty frustrated and burn out ! 
    Rapid weight loss or under eating can cause muscle tissue to be used as energy, thus slowing down metabolism and making “rebound dieting” more likely.
Hmmm...I think this is why I'd always quit any new "Monday- Start Diet" after just a few days, because I wasn't eating enough to fuel my body.  I'd be so weak and tired...I wouldn't even think clearly!   I would shove anything in my mouth, even if it was junk food, (esp that entire fist full of that large bag of M&Ms on the counter, because I was soooo dang hungry!  Then my diet that I had just started, just a few days earlier, would be a thing of the past!  Anyone else tried this? 
  • Muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle is more dense than fat, meaning it takes up less space which means fewer “inches”.
Ha!  Maybe that new scale of mine is still my friend after all?  :)  

Food Intake: healthy foods that make you feel full and give you essential nutrients.
*I have come to realize even tho you may despise or hate some sort of food....FORCE yourself to eat or at least try it, because you know that it is sooo good for you!  Mine would have to be lettuce, the past few weeks I've come to realize that it isn't as bad as I thought.  I am now eating small salads.  I'm not talking about loading it up with ranch or any kinds of dressings ( that is where you can run into problems with LOADS of calories, possibly even higher cal count than a McDs Big Mac !)  Light dressings are still okay to use in moderation.   Try a new veggie/fruit each week, you may come to find out you were really missing out !

Cardio Training: burns fat, uses calories for energy, benefits health.

*This is where my loads of miles come into may be biking, walking the dog, or just even getting out and playing basketball with your kids!  You don't have to have an expensive gym membership to workout ! Lacing up my tennies is completely free!  I run because....#1.  I can   #2.  My brain needs it.  #3.  Bart knows I'm a WAYYY better (nicer)  wife/mom if I get some daily miles in! 

Resistance Training: builds lean muscle mass (the calorie burning machine) and strength and is vital to long term health.  Here is where circuit training/free weights come into play.  You can build some muscle and be a like a burning machine even sitting on your butt...and even when you sleep!

Personal Assistance: Most people have more success if they have someone to be accountable to, someone to help them, and usually a professional to help them get through slumps or plateaus.    If this is your cup of it !  If it takes someone to be accountable to....sign up!  I just don't have the extra dollars to do this, since I have seven kiddos who depend on each and every cent we have ! 

Supplements: Let's be honest. Even when we're eating super healthy we're not always getting all of the necessary nutrients. So take at least a multi vitamin to help aid in keeping yourself/body healthy.  * I need to start doing this, I'm horrible about remembering ! :)

Mmmkay, so does everyone take the oath to generally eat healthy foods, do cardio and resistance training, oh, and drink at least 64 oz of water per day? 

*I have just ditched my Diet Soda addiction just a month ago, so I'm forcing myself to crave more H2O!  I try....and I said TRY to drink about 100 oz a day, but I really have trouble doing this since I have to pee every 20 min from drinking so much.  This is hard to take time out to do in my case!  We have enough peeing issues in our house having four boys.... I swear they all close their eyes and do circles :)  Sorry, thought that this was a good one !  Couldn't resist!  You can also get them water ounces in by drinking Crystal Lite or Sugar Free Koolaid. I would say I'm more of a tea drinker than I ever thought I could be !  Good old Grandma Pat rubbing off on me !  She would be proud of this!

Little changes can really produce huge results !   Thanks for reading.  


                                                                 I really loved this....


Thursday, April 11, 2013

The WORST Weather Produces Fabulous Runs !

Hi everyone !
It's been a few my past post update, I told you that I hadn't lost any weight.  Well, as of today, Thursday I lost another 4 pounds!  Which makes my grand total 14 pounds in about 6 weeks!  I'm really excited that I didn't frustrate myself enough to QUIT!  I don't ever see myself turning back and quitting!  I told ya, its a lifestyle change...and that's exactly what happened here. 
I started out on Monday just running 3 miles.  I took Tuesday and Wednesday off due to crappy weather, and having lots to do!  Let me tell ya, I actually had the two most downer of days ever~!  I had severe anxiety, stress, and mixed emotions.  And no, it wasn't that time of the month either, sorry if there are any guys reading this !  TMI??Ha! 
Anyways, I had figured out that I NEED TO RUN! BUTTT......I know that my hips, legs, and shins needed a break/rest.  And I think just getting that rest I was able to bump my mileage up tonight  running an entire 8 miles without walking once. I always seem to kick out some major miles when the weather isn't always the best.  This past winter I ran in lots of snow/ice storms due to myself having that discipline I told you about.  
Tonight's run started out with myself thinking  "What am I doing out in this weather?...soggy, snowy, slushy, wet roads sliding all over the place.  I told myself over and over again..."You need this run, JUST KEEP GOING ! You'll reap the benefits when it is over!"   I think it has helped me to have about three solid LONG runs each week, and either do 3 to 4 miles on my other days of the weeks.  The most I had done up until tonight was six miles, and tonight...when I got to that six mile marker I was like, " I'm not even tired, I can probably do eight tonight ! " 
That last two miles I did tonight was dedicated to my mom who just two days ago had one of her knees replaced.  She is having a lot of pain/issues at the moment.  I'm sure she is wishing she could run !  :)  My mom is a small, petite woman (tho, I wish I took more after her with my frame/ body composition....but, I have to be proud that I take more after my dad...the Harp side ~ having said that, being blessed with them Harp else do you think I was able to push out seven babies !  HA!  Sorry TMI, again!   Anyways, I love her unconditionally.  My strength, and willpower comes mostly from my faith in Jesus Christ, and secondly my mom.  Anything my mom puts her mind to she ends up doing successfully and THEN some !  I wish her a speedy recovery, so she is back walking and biking the banks of the Mississippi River this summer.  I love you mom! 
To everyone else, if wanting to be healthy/active is in your lifestyle goals.  Go for it !  Losing weight and being active is soothing for your soul, mind and body.  Making small changes is the key to permanent health and lifestyle changes.  If running wants to be your goal, start small.  Start walking...Do only two or three times a week.  Then when you feel like you have mastered that, increase your duration a bit, and add jogging/walking combo minutes into it.  Last Spring I wasn't even able to go two or three strait miles without feeling like I was gonna die.  It was gradual for me, dedication and discipline come when you make exercise a habit.  I wish you all success in getting healthy this Spring/Summer. God bless each one of my dedicated readers.  You are great ! 
This song below I heard tonight running.....WOW!  This explains how I just ran eight miles tonight without stopping.  "You are I am" by Mercy Me 
Philippians 4:13...My strength comes from HIM alone 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Should I Pitch My New Scale?

Well, Happy Monday everyone !  Overall its been a good start...except my reading on my 'new' scale!  Still only lost 10 pounds~!  I've been working for over a month on weight loss/running schedules.  I'm beating myself up over and over again each morning as  I look down at STILL that 10 pound loss number.  Over the last week, I've upped my running a total of 25 miles this past week.  And to find out...that number on that evil, corrupt scale is still at a stand still.  I've literally RAN my butt off this past week.  I ran three 6 milers last week, which made my miles for last week higher.  I did have a few two and three milers in there as well.  All I can do is.....NOT GIVE UP!  I'm not ditching this healthy lifestyle change thing for one second.  Yes, I'm completely frustrated with not losing this week, but I have to just keep focusing on each day and keep my motivation.  So today, I've started  journaling EVERYTHING I eat, upping my water intake, and making sure I'm not overdoing any sugars or sweets.  Today, I started my 6 month training for that half marathon I was talking about doing this October.  I am using Hal Higdon's training schedule in preparation for it.  I'm working on hills, tempo runs, and lots of LONG distance running.  I'm not really concerned with time...but I really just want to finish it without walking once.  I think with losing the rest of my extra baggage in weight will help me as well.  I have about 35 to 40 pounds that I'm hoping to extract from my body before race day come mid October.  I figured my BMR along with my running/exercise calories, and have it all on paper what exactly, and exactly HOW many calories I will need to eat in order to lose about two pounds per week.  I can do this, BECAUSE I CAN!  I'm the only person who can do this !  Not Bart, not the kids, not my parents, not my siblings !  Like I said before, I've BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT DIET THING....and I'm never calling how and the way I eat a diet!  I've changed my life for good!  I just need to keep this motivation in my heart and head every hour to every day of the weeks to come.  What is stopping you from getting healthy today? 
#Philippians 4:13

Friday, April 5, 2013

That Voice In My Head Telling Me To Fail!

Okay, I have lost a bit of weight, now what?  How do I keep motivated?  How can I keep my 'mind' strait when my house activity has shown the true meaning of chaos, stress, turmoil and always having 'something' to do.  Stress can make us do a lot of crazy things to try and console us...  Mine is eating!  After a stressful day at the Waddell household I tend to resort to chocolate, sugar, or other carb loaded treats.  I am like a recovering drug addict as of now...its an addiction, a behavior that I got rid of last March.  Well, I'm human....I didn't slip up or anything this week, but I was close.  When you are trying to lose not call it a DIET!  Because its not, I have fallen of 'diet wagaons' many many and many times !  Weight Watchers ( I love this, but hated figuring points for everything I ate, I have enough #s to balance with my check book:)  Low Carb (I'm not gonna lie, this has worked awesome for me in the past, but I don't want to eat bacon, eggs, and bun less hamburgers all my life)  Calorie Counting (still eating all the junk food allowed, but staying in my calorie range)  *Ahhh nope this does not work either !   I've also resorted to the drug Phentermine, years the time my doc told me that it was perfectly FDA approved and safe to use !  WRONG !  I took this drug for six months lost about 12 pounds, but totally was addicted to it, and the worst situation was gaining the weight once the drug was out of my system all at once.  I will never resort to any kind of this drug again, since it probably wrecked my metabolism for almost an entire year.  I have figured out what works for my body.  Eating healthy 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week!  Nope not dieting this time.....I told you that I've changed my life forever !  Whatever weight I will lose on this journey is staying off and never coming back to rent my body, like EVER!  I just have to work out some of those kinks in my brain that those late night binges are gone, and I can never go back and live that way again.  Thank you for being my weight loss therapist all of you who are reading this !  If I can get this story out to everyone that is fighting the bulge and unhealthy ways in your life, maybe one day you can change yours !  Lexi, my 13 year old daughter...(who one day may face the same issues I am having as of now, probably not since she has her dad's never ending metabolism and frame).....asked me, "Mom, how skinny do you want to get?"  I looked at her and said, "Lex its not about getting skinny, its about getting HEALTHY!"  One meal at a time, ONE day at a time is all I can work towards.  Happy Friday everyone !  TGIF
Philippians 4:13~

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Where in the heck is SPRING and warmer weather? For crying out loud !


Brrr....It was cold today !  That WIND was unbelievably cold today.   Just wish I knew where Spring went?  It is SPring right?  The forecast was for it to reach 52 degrees.....well, didn't see anything higher than 43 degrees at least here today.  My family and I, and of course I think about 3/4 of the mid west, is yearning for higher temps and lots of sunshine !   This week has been pretty good as far as weight loss goes.  I had to get another scale since my old fashioned dial one decided to subtract and add six pounds here and there as I weighed myself this week.  I got a glass digital one that is fairly accurate, and I love it !  I just hope it our house anything new is very eligible to be broken within the first few days of its arrival.  Today's weigh in was down a total of 11 pounds since the first week in March when I decided it was enough of the junk food/pop/and sporadic running sprees.  I did get to go out today and work on some sprinting.  For the past two weeks I have been working to get my speed up and to decrease my miles per minute.  I have been working on sprinting at full speed for 100 meters, then jogging 100 meters, lastly walking 50-100 meters...then I will repeat.  I only did about 2.5 miles total today, but half of it was sprinting.  WOW ~  What a workout !!  I thought I was actually going to get sick after all that sprinting !!  It felt amazing I plunged right through it. I forced myself and kicked my own butt !  I kept saying if you want this flab to stick....give up! Otherwise, Doobe! ( AKA:my nickname that most of my family & close friends call me)

(I really need this tank for this summer)!!!

 This has been sort of a stressful week....(heck, when isn't at our house) just trying to get some painting done here and there. Kids went back to school today in full force...(yea, it is online but they still need me to guide them)  So as I was strolling the aisles at WalMart tonight after Church Family Night, I thought to myself..."Man I could really use a bag of candy, or maybe just one candy bar since I've done so good !"  I fought the urge and said ~"Nope, can't do it!"  I really don't want to go out and run 15 miles tomorrow to try and make up for that King Size Hershey Bar...or even that entire bag of Twizzlers !  No way, not gonna go back there !! From here on out.  I've gotta learn discipline as far as what I put in my mouth.  So I came home and had a bowl of Light Banana Cream Yogurt, which was about 80 calories.  I put in some sugar free (well fake sugar is what you call it)  granola in it, and totally satisfied my cravings and filled me up!  I'll post that recipe for that granola under this post if you would like to try it, its super easy and AWESOME !  I sometimes have to watch myself since it tastes so good and can be addicting!  Have a blessed Wednesday!  #Philippians 4:13    

Sugar Free Granola
1 C. Old Fashioned Oats
1 C.  Quick-Cooking Oats
1/2 C. Splenda Brown Sugar
1/2 C. Sugar Free Maple Syrup
Lots of cinnamon, because I'm a huge fan of it
2 Tbs of Olive Oil (just because it helps in the browning of it, and makes it sort of crunchy! Yummy !
1/4 C. Flax Seed (Optional) for more of a health the granola more texture...I don't always have this on a lot of the time I skip it.

Put all ingredients in bowl and mix.  Spread in baking pan, bake at 325 for about 30-40 min or until light brown in color.  It will be sort of moist at first until you start baking it a bit.  It is soo good !  I usually double the recipe and put it in a large glass jar so I always have some on hand.  You can add it to your yogurt, eat it plain, or you can pour some milk over it and eat it for breakfast,  you can add it to your favorite trail mixes.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Running: Its a Love/Hate Relationship

Well, I debated for two whole days as to whether or not I should publish this blog.  Two reasons, it means I have another obligation I have to tend to.  And, it would take a little bit of time away from my family and the kids school duties.  My very first post was last Sunday (3/31) I wrote it out due to a friend telling me to start the blog.  :)    So its official:  I'm making this blog a part of my life to keep me accountable to my new found lifestyle change.  My weekly weight loss totals, recipes, running/training progress, and maybe to inspire at least one person who is going through the 'burn out' mom syndrome with unwanted post-baby (in my case BABIES, lots of them!) pounds.   Ha!  Also, to inspire others that living healthy and exercising doesn't have to be a burden that we all face in our lives!  It really can be fun, and to be able to teach my kids about healthy food choices and eating.  I'm sooo not a dietitian or did I ever want to become one.  Nutrition was one of my hardest classes in school :)    I've learned it is basic essentials....Calories In=Calories OUT.  I've learned the more we eat, and the less active a person becomes the weight will continue to pile on.  Also, clean food/processed food !  I never even cared about either of them until about a month ago when I got my whole heart and soul searching for healthy options for my health. 
Anyways, about my passion: Running !  (Believe me this wasn't my passion at mile marker 5 today !! )  I really wanted to throw in the 'sweaty' towel and QUIT !  But I just kept praying and rehearsing Philippians 4:13 into my brain over and over....until I felt stronger and stronger with each step.  I started out with usual surroundings with my running routes:  Pure Southern Minnesota Country Roads !  I love it !  I hate running in town due to a few crazy incidents with some strange stalkers and road raged drivers, no I'm not kidding.  The temperature today was not horrible, but no 50 the forecast says for tomorrow.  The wind was a bit chilly, but I pressed on each and every mile.  I got 3 miles out into the open country when my Mp3 player decided to quit (yes, I still have the old Mp3 players......with seven kids always needing shoes, clothes, socks, and of course food :)  an IPOD is OUT of the question, besides my girls would expect they would need one to!) 
So when my music decided to crap out, I decided to panic...."Why in the world am I out here in the middle of no where...looking like our town water tower is forever in the distance away.....I immediately thought of the reasons why I am  out here !  To burn fat, strengthen my cardiovascular system, to sleep better, and so I won't have to take antidepressants.....Ha !    I kept going step by step until I hit mile 4, then that 'runners high' kicked in!  Thank God !  I was feeling confident and told myself, "YOU ARE A RUNNER!"  Keep going !!  So I plowed out 6.2 miles of running, not walking just a little over an hour !  What an overwhelming power surge of emotions......I got goose bumps on my way back home and thought...."I am really doing this !......Finally I've connected eating healthy and burning a huge crackpot FULL of calories ! :)    I have been running over a year now....and I still get those I HATE THIS, WHY AM I DOING THIS....while I'm in the process of my run!  But when you even just accomplish just a mile a day......reaping the benefits, after finishing, are OUT OF THIS WORLD !  I give God alone the glory in finishing the 6.2 miles today ! 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

This is for REALS! No its for accountability!

Hi ! Okay, I am really doing this ! I am sharing what has happened this past month in my life to hopefully inspire others. (per request from KD, she may be my only reader) For those of you who don't really know me....I am a 30 something mom to seven kiddos....I've been married to my partner & bestie Bart for almost 15 years this August. 7 kids in 15 years? Wow, that is scary when you actually LOOK at them numbers. Anyways, I really don't want to sit here and discuss why we have so many kids.....what caused it?? Ha ! ( I get enough of that in public !) All I can say is we LOVE each and every one of them, and would NOT trade any of them in!
I have been running 4-6 times per week, averaging 3-5 miles....since the Spring of '12. Yes, even in them LOONNG winter months when it was barely in the teens. I have discipline when it comes to my running. I almost have to get that dose of endorphins each day. I have never connected eating healthy and running into the same equation, until now. I started running last Spring to combat some of my anxiety/depression issues I was having.  Best decision EVER!! 
This past month ( March) I have gotten to the point where I actually have to do something about my weight, (for health reasons). I went to the doctor last March and was told my blood pressure was 160/100.....WOWZAS! Say what ???!!!!   Would having seven kids have something to do with them numeros?  Doing online school with my five oldest kiddos have something to do with it?  Laundry up the wazoo?  My house....usually on a bad day looks like it had just been burglarized?   Anyhoo,  My doc ended up prescribing me Lebatolol twice a day to try and lower it. I had asked the doc, "Now if I lose weight, will these numbers go down?." I had told her my past history with pre-eclampsia with all of my seven babies, she instantly told me that there had been some research linking pre-eclamptic moms later developing hypertension. YUCK! Well, if I have to be on BP meds my entire life because I was pre-eclampic with my pregnancies~ so be it! But, I SURE as heck am gonna try and do something about it to prove her wrong! While getting fit and healthy in the meantime:) 
That week after starting on BP pills...I said a short sweet prayer asking God to teach me how to eat....teach me how to have strength and will power when it comes to not let IT control me!   A few days later I no longer had the cravings for diet pop....(which those of you who know me....I used to drink about four to five a day) Nope not any more! My sugar addictions/cravings were diminished by at least half.....I love candy...any kind. Just ask my sister, she is the same way:) Which comes to me LOSING these baby pounds....Can I still call them that?    (*hmmm lets see seven pregnancies with a weight gain of 40 pounds each......40x7=280!! Maybe I can !!) way! Well, probably not since my youngest, Neela...will be four in June. :( So sad........
I am not ready to share you my starting weight as of now.......all I can say that I started this lifestyle change the first few weeks in March and have already lost 10 pounds! Yippee! This blog with be my accountability each day......what exactly I will eat. How much I will screw up, which I'm sure Ill cheat, I already have! But not for more than a meal or two. The best thing is I'll keep you updated on my running/training....(possibly doing a few 5ks, 10ks this summer....and eventually doing a 1/2 marathon later this fall.  #Bridget R. :)  I'll keep you posted on that enormous goal..............