Sunday, March 31, 2013

This is for REALS! No its for accountability!

Hi ! Okay, I am really doing this ! I am sharing what has happened this past month in my life to hopefully inspire others. (per request from KD, she may be my only reader) For those of you who don't really know me....I am a 30 something mom to seven kiddos....I've been married to my partner & bestie Bart for almost 15 years this August. 7 kids in 15 years? Wow, that is scary when you actually LOOK at them numbers. Anyways, I really don't want to sit here and discuss why we have so many kids.....what caused it?? Ha ! ( I get enough of that in public !) All I can say is we LOVE each and every one of them, and would NOT trade any of them in!
I have been running 4-6 times per week, averaging 3-5 miles....since the Spring of '12. Yes, even in them LOONNG winter months when it was barely in the teens. I have discipline when it comes to my running. I almost have to get that dose of endorphins each day. I have never connected eating healthy and running into the same equation, until now. I started running last Spring to combat some of my anxiety/depression issues I was having.  Best decision EVER!! 
This past month ( March) I have gotten to the point where I actually have to do something about my weight, (for health reasons). I went to the doctor last March and was told my blood pressure was 160/100.....WOWZAS! Say what ???!!!!   Would having seven kids have something to do with them numeros?  Doing online school with my five oldest kiddos have something to do with it?  Laundry up the wazoo?  My house....usually on a bad day looks like it had just been burglarized?   Anyhoo,  My doc ended up prescribing me Lebatolol twice a day to try and lower it. I had asked the doc, "Now if I lose weight, will these numbers go down?." I had told her my past history with pre-eclampsia with all of my seven babies, she instantly told me that there had been some research linking pre-eclamptic moms later developing hypertension. YUCK! Well, if I have to be on BP meds my entire life because I was pre-eclampic with my pregnancies~ so be it! But, I SURE as heck am gonna try and do something about it to prove her wrong! While getting fit and healthy in the meantime:) 
That week after starting on BP pills...I said a short sweet prayer asking God to teach me how to eat....teach me how to have strength and will power when it comes to not let IT control me!   A few days later I no longer had the cravings for diet pop....(which those of you who know me....I used to drink about four to five a day) Nope not any more! My sugar addictions/cravings were diminished by at least half.....I love candy...any kind. Just ask my sister, she is the same way:) Which comes to me LOSING these baby pounds....Can I still call them that?    (*hmmm lets see seven pregnancies with a weight gain of 40 pounds each......40x7=280!! Maybe I can !!) way! Well, probably not since my youngest, Neela...will be four in June. :( So sad........
I am not ready to share you my starting weight as of now.......all I can say that I started this lifestyle change the first few weeks in March and have already lost 10 pounds! Yippee! This blog with be my accountability each day......what exactly I will eat. How much I will screw up, which I'm sure Ill cheat, I already have! But not for more than a meal or two. The best thing is I'll keep you updated on my running/training....(possibly doing a few 5ks, 10ks this summer....and eventually doing a 1/2 marathon later this fall.  #Bridget R. :)  I'll keep you posted on that enormous goal..............

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