Friday, October 3, 2014

On My Way To A New Me!~

Hi everyone !  WOW...has it been a LONG time since I've blogged about health, fitness, running or weight loss.  Speaking of weight loss...I had my baby girl, Naomi, around 5 weeks ago. Annnddd...I'm on a mission of losing that "Naomi weight" as of this past week.  I tried and ran/worked out a few weeks ago but my body just wasn't ready...well actually my pelvis wasn't but we won't get into that much detail:) "Naomi weight" gained was around 50 pounds...ugh!  Just to see that amount makes me cringe considering I spend much of 2013 losing around 40 pounds through changes in my diet, working out (lifting) and of course doing a considerable amount of running that turned into a half marathon in October of 2013.

I am updating this A. Hold myself accountable in working out/running/losing baby weight and B. It will be a good thing to keep me focused and in tune with the goals I want to achieve.  So if ya'll are not interested in getting fit and losing baby weight you can X out now :)  This is seriously for me to focus everything I 've got into the reality of myself getting healthy. 

Well this past Wednesday was my first day of really I'd call it working out...and let me tell ya it was HARD!  How do I go from a 1/2 marathon in 2013 to now when I'm struggling to do one pushup.  I will get there tho...with a good attitude and just propelling myself forward each day.  I started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution Phase 1 and I'm loving it!  It consists of five workouts over three months time, then it goes into further phases later on.  It is a lot of HIIT/weights/cardio...which is a wonderful way to burn calories while building muscle.
Naomi naps while I try and workout with Jillian...but today was a little tough (mentally) on me since she decided to be awake during my workout. I literally had to push pause probably around 10 times since she loves her binky so much :)  I can see why people make every excuse under the sun NOT to workout...and today would have been one of them if I wasn't wanting to get back into my pre-pregnancy jeans so badly!

Well, I'll update y'all here and there while on this probably LONG journey of mine... with some pics, recipes that I love (healthy of course), and overall weight loss progress.  P.S if you are motivated so badly to get healthy take a picture of yourself in front of a full length mirror in a bikini/swimsuit and if you don't like what you I did : (   change it!  Start moving your body...slowly, making small changes each week...lets push ourselves to getting into that pair of jeans that we love!~ 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

14 Weeks

Well, I have made it to the second trimester into my pregnancy.  I have an official due date of September 2nd now, since I measured way ahead at my 10 week ultrasound...(hoping it isn't another Jake or Beau..weighing in at almost 10 pounds:)  I had such a terrible time finding an OB doc the first few weeks into my pregnancy....I really wanted to deliver locally since it would just be easier on our family.  I went to Blue Earth...not one of their five docs would take me on as a patient.  They were all pretty freaked out!!  I guess I was classified as high-risk due to my age (who would have thought 35 was OLD?  haha)  Multiple pregnancies, and because I develop pre-eclampsia towards the end of my pregnancies.  So, I was referred up to Minneapolis to a Perinatologist.  Instantly, I thought to myself....."In no shape or form is this traveling over two hours for prenatal checkups going to work for our family?"  So, I prayed....asked God to show me a doctor that would be more locally that would take me on as a patient.  I was led to a doc in Fairmont, which is only 30 min from our house...way better than the cities.  He is a Nigerian doctor who is kind, compassionate, funny and really knew his stuff.  I am seeing him every 2 weeks so he can keep tabs on how the little peanut is growing.  I have been through 2 ultrasounds, and about 13 vials of blood in the past two weeks...checking routine labs, and getting a head start on some of the kidney function tests so we can get a baseline before possibly the pre-eclampsia setting in. I think baby Waddell and I are in great hands, thank the Lord.

I have fought through some pretty severe "night" sickness as what I would call it.  For an entire 7 weeks I SERIOUSLY did nothing but eat...and lay on the couch.  I was literally miserable.  Not being able to run, workout...or even walk with all the ice/wind/and snowstorms we've had in the past two months.  That being said, just being inactive for almost two months has left me sort of depressed (could I blame it on this weather?)  lethargic (yes, I know I should be tired...but NOT this bad)...craving junk food...all the healthy stuff I used to eat would seriously make me gag.....muscle-less (I feel as if I've lost a lot of strength that I had built up all last year training for my 1/ well as day to day strength training.  That 7 wks of inactivity has left me with a head start of 15 pound weight-gain just in my first trimester.  Normal is about 3-5...(what's normal anyways?)    To work so hard most of all last year....if ya read any of my blog ya know I was passionate about fitness/running/and eating healthy. So to be in an area of where I first began my weight loss journey last year at this time has been a struggle for me. So, JUST the past few days I've felt 'good' enough to finally fit in some low-key Jillian Michaels. I was struggling through my first workout terribly!   Just in a few days I feel fantastic...self-esteem wise. Energy has increased significantly.  Even tho, there are some days I feel as if I'm forcing myself to put one step in front of the other...... after a workout , I seriously FEEL in control of my emotions and my body.....(if that is possible, with all the pregnancy hormones...circulating) Warm weather is coming ( I hope) which I will be able to get outside and move more.  All is good...positive thinking eh?

Finding out about my pregnancy the day after Christmas was joy...but a scary feeling.  Scary I am referring to what we went through with Neela, our youngest.....that has left a dark fear over my entire thinking throughout this entire pregnancy so far.  I was offered a few of the routine labs that detect birth defects last week....which I declined.  Some of the labs are such a high false-positive that it wouldn't even be worth my nerves.  And......what would I change? what would be different?  Bart and I are gonna love this baby NO matter what genetic abnormalities it may or may not have.   We are trusting God, whatever HIS be it.  The kids are getting pretty excited....especially Tate as he was patting my belly last night as I was watching TV next to him.:)  I'm hoping Neela can tolerate somebody being younger than her.....since she has stolen all our hearts and has been completely spoiled for the past four years.  Otherwise, kids have been going through the school grind, patiently waiting for a change in the weather.  Bart has been working non-stop for the past few months working seven days a week.  I miss him dearly, and that may play a part in my winter-blues mood, but I am grateful for everything God has blessed us with.  Well, hoping to keep you all updated throughout my pregnancy.......have a blessed week!  

Thanks so much for your love and support dear friends and family!    -Monica