Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm Baacck! After 6 months of silence...

Well, HELLO everyone!  Its been a loooong time since I wrote any post/update or anything.  I was looking at my blog and realized it was 6 months ago TODAY!  Well, a lot of things have happened in that time.  I lost a bit more weight/gained a ton of muscle/worked up to running an entire half marathon/oh and since that time I've fallen off the wagon BIG TIME!  Ever since I ran that half I've kind of forgotten how to eat 'right'.  I've forgotten how mentally strong you have to be to be to stay healthy!  I've forgotten that it takes two steps forward and a one a step back.  I've forgotten that I truly want to be healthy forever.  So, I was saying ever since my half marathon on October 20 I've eaten everything that I never used to.  Cookies, chex mix (sucks its the holidays coming), French fries ( I seriously did give these up for five whole months) Diet Pop (yes I'm back at this, but this is why I'm writing...I've got to get things strait in my head mentally in order to be successful again and hopefully this time it will stick. 

I believe there have been several factors in which I kind of fell off the health wagon...In September I started a job working with residents that struggle with memory and Alzheimer's.  It has rewarded me so many times working with these amazing people.  I've never worked at a job where I went home and was so proud of myself for making someone smile for probably the first time that day.  I've also started a business in Premier Jewelry the past few weeks, due to the help/support of some pretty incredible people in my life.  Praying for God's guidance as I venture off into this new opportunity for myself and my family.  Anyways, back to health/fitness...I feel like I've been back to this, "Crap, I ate junky all day today, WELL I just start tomorrow"........I seriously cannot deal with this again.  This was so DeJaVu when I first started losing weight back in February. 

I'm not going to be one of these people that say..."Shoot, I'll start New Years with a new weight loss goal" starts NOW!I need the accountability from you all to push and propel me forward in the right direction again.  If ya get sick of my rambling...venting....don't read it, I'm DOING this for me, no one else.  From when I started back in February I ended up losing 28 pounds.  I plateaued for much of the summer/fall months...BUTTT I was eating/running and working out pretty well.  Sad to say I've gained a total of 4 pounds in the month of November, I'm really hoping its mostly from Aunt Flo and that turkey dinner/and the several pieces of pie we had on Thanksgiving Day. 

As far as my half marathon went in October:  It was a surreal, amazing, once in a lifetime experience for myself.  I ran the entire thing with a dear friend of mine named Bridget.  That day was about 27 degrees, but at least it wasn't snowing or icing.  I had so many emotions that day...thinking how far I've come mentally....emotionally....and physically.  I had severe low self-esteem issues prior to even doing it.  I would say to myself, "YOU are seriously not a Cannot do this entire 13.1 miles!"  I would seriously say this when I started my training runs at 8 miles and make it only to mile 5 and have to walk.  I pushed myself everyday...every week until I was running 9, 10, 11 mile training runs once a week.....only developing strength I never knew I had.  On that day I got to mile 4 and looked over at Bridget and said, "This seriously SUCKS, but its such an awesome experience!"  Haha....Well, we got to mile 11 and I seriously thought I was DONE for.....we started to do some pretty good hills/inclines that my body was fighting for relief.  I pushed through....complaining and grunting the entire time.  Haha....Bridget:)  Then 1/4 of the way to the finish line....I told Bridget "Oh man, I seriously want to walk"....I can still see her face..."YOU only have 1/4 a mile left, you've got this!"  I made it......we crossed the finish line high fiving each other praising God for giving us/me the strength to persevere through all the doubts and struggles.  Our final time was 2:17, not bad for our first time...the best thing is that we didn't walk once. 

Here is where I draw the line and say I'm on board again.  Here I start another journey of losing inches and getting even more healthy.  Out with the pop, out with the junk food, out with the late-night binges, out with the evil negative self-talk.  I can do this! 

I found this picture this past weekend and noticed that I've come to far to QUIT.....the picture on the left is me a little over a year ago, and the one on the right is me on Thanksgiving Day, just a few days ago.  My sister is in both, and looks beautiful all the time!  Love her to pieces!!

I was floored by the results of this picture, and made me think..."Oh HECK NO, I'm not quitting!"  This picture fueled me to get off the binge/junk food train....and strive to do even better!
Wish ME LUCK!   What are you doing to propel into your healthy lifestyle?  Get on board with me...we'll keep each other accountable!